My Love (2014)
Family life that requires many loving couples. Christie, like Zaya married even more misunderstandings. One time a slight dispute, they argue, then walking home, some time close friends öngörüültsgeene recommended. This single friends Anujin, darling, Eating, Javkhlan 10 years ago, in addition to love, from Monday, Onon of becoming more and more complex it becomes. Unfortunately, most of the days they were separate more sedrüülekheer anxiety instead, it will eventually end in divorce when it becomes apparent that their parents interference coming into the film more interesting will begin to unfold.
Initial release: July 25, 2014 (USA)
Director: Bondooloi
Running time: 90 minutes: Éric Serra
Cast: Bayarmaa, Munkhtur
Genres: Romantic, Melodram
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